The story of the forgotten spirits and legacies of enslaved and free potters in Texas during and after the Civil War is a fascinating journey that begins with a conversation in 1991 with graduate advisor John Brough Miller. This conversation led to the discovery of the Wilson Pottery Foundation website in 2014, which was created by the descendants of Hiram, James, and Wallace Wilson, founders of H. Wilson and Co. Pottery. The annual Wilson Pottery Show in 2017 sparked a heightened interest in the Wilson Potters.
Research into the H. Wilson & Co. Pottery in Capote, Texas, revealed a deep connection between various Wilson pottery sites in the Capote area. The Guadalupe Pottery, operated by John McKamie Wilson and his enslaved potters, was the first site. The second site, H. Wilson & Co., was started by formerly enslaved potters from the Guadalupe site. The third site, Durham-Chandler Pottery, owned by Marion “MJ” Durham and John Chandler, was believed to have merged with H. Wilson & Co. after Hiram’s death in 1884.
Further research led to the discovery of a potential partnership between Durham and John McKamie Wilson’s families in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, which may have influenced the establishment of the pottery company in Capote. Visits to local historical societies and interviews with Wilson’s descendants and collectors provided valuable insights and stories that shed light on the history of the Wilson potteries.
A solo exhibition curated in 2020 at Tarrant County College South Campus showcased ceramic pieces inspired by the Wilson potters and traced the development of certain techniques. The exhibition highlighted the names of those who worked at the pottery sites, such as James and Wallace Wilson. The exhibition also explored the introduction of salt glazing techniques by potters from Ohio, as well as the influence of Texas pottery scholar Dr. Georgeanna Greer in rediscovering the Wilson potteries.
The research journey continued with visits to historical societies in East Texas and the examination of Wilson Pottery at the Bayou Bend Collections and Garden. The discovery of an extensive pottery community in Capote redirected the focus towards East Texas potters and the exploration of their connections to the industrial enslavement system that made the Edgefield District community famous.
As the research unfolds, a beautiful mosaic of the life stories of these potters is beginning to emerge. The journey from central Texas back to Edgefield, South Carolina, aims to unravel the migration of pottery families and enslaved laborers, shedding light on their contributions to the rich history of pottery in Texas and beyond.