Craig Shirley, a renowned writer famous for his biography on former President Ronald Reagan, is embarking on a new literary journey. This time, his focus is on the incredible political resurgence of Donald Trump in 2024. Drawing parallels between Trump and Reagan is not a new phenomenon. Trump’s recent victory has already been likened to Reagan’s landslide triumph in 1984. The socio-political landscape during both eras shared similarities, with issues such as inflation, soaring gas prices, and unrest in the Middle East plaguing the nation.
According to a report by The New York Post, Shirley’s upcoming book titled “Comeback” will delve into Trump’s remarkable return to the political arena. The book will trace Trump’s journey from the end of the tumultuous 2020 campaign to his triumphant comeback in 2024. Shirley, who also served as a historical consultant for the 2024 film “Reagan,” expressed his intention to unravel the intricacies of Trump’s victory, emphasizing the aspects that eluded the comprehension of the elites.
Shirley’s approach to the book is rooted in objectivity and factual analysis. He asserts that the narrative of Trump’s political revival will be portrayed in a positive light, highlighting the historical significance of his achievements. Drawing a comparison to his previous works on Reagan, Shirley affirms that the book on Trump will reflect the favorable facts surrounding his presidency.
In a recent interview with Dinesh D’Souza, Lee Greenwood, the iconic voice behind “God Bless the USA,” drew parallels between Reagan and Trump while highlighting a key difference in their approaches to wars. Greenwood’s insights underscore the enduring impact of both leaders on American politics and culture.
Trump’s presidency is poised to go down in history as a significant chapter in American politics. Notably, he is set to become the first president since Grover Cleveland to serve two non-consecutive terms, solidifying his place in the annals of presidential history. As Shirley delves into Trump’s political resurgence, readers can expect a comprehensive and insightful exploration of the factors that propelled Trump back into the spotlight in 2024.