Roseanne Barr, the controversial comedian, is making a comeback to television with a new show that promises to be a mix of “The Roseanne Show” and “The Sopranos.” Seven years after her hit show “Roseanne” was cancelled by ABC, Barr is working on a new project that she describes as “silly and out there,” featuring offensive ideas, swearing, and a lot of humor.
In an interview with Variety, Barr revealed that the show will revolve around an Alabama farming family who are on a mission to save America from drug gangs and China. She shared that the show is based on her own life as a farmer in Hawaii, living with her daughter, son-in-law, and their six children on a farm filled with goats running through the house.
The premise of the show involves the family using guns, the Bible, petty crime, and alcoholism to save America, drawing inspiration from the Coen brothers’ style of storytelling. Despite the potential controversial nature of the show, Barr is determined to bring it to life, even if Hollywood studios reject it. She expressed frustration with Hollywood’s disconnect from working-class Americans and their preference for ideology over business.
Barr also weighed in on Donald Trump’s election victory, suggesting that Hollywood should work with the new president to reconnect with the American people and make money. She criticized Hollywood for being ideologues rather than business-minded individuals, and expressed a willingness to take her show elsewhere if necessary.
In addition to her television comeback, Barr recently collaborated on a song with Tom MacDonald titled “Daddy’s Home” ahead of Trump’s inauguration. The song features Barr’s vocals and adds to her creative endeavors outside of television.
With her new project in the works and her determination to bring it to fruition, fans of Roseanne Barr can look forward to her unique brand of humor and storytelling making a return to the small screen. Whether Hollywood embraces her vision or not, Barr is ready to forge her own path and bring her show to audiences in her own way.