“The Twelve,” a popular court-related drama series starring Sam Neill, has officially entered production for its highly anticipated third season. The series, commissioned by Binge, a streaming platform under Australian pay-TV group Foxtel, follows the journey of twelve jurors as they grapple with their responsibility to deliver a verdict while also dealing with their own personal struggles.
In the upcoming season, Sam Neill reprises his role as Brett Colby SC, as the jurors deliberate on a cold case murder trial. The new season, consisting of eight one-hour episodes, boasts a talented team of writers including Sarah L. Walker, Matt Cameron, Mia Lethbridge, Adele Vuko, and Sam Meikle. The series will be co-directed by Madeleine Gottlieb and Mark Joffe, with casting by Kirsty McGregor and Will Pearce. The production is led by Warner Bros. International Television Production Australia (WBITVPA) and Easy Tiger, with executive producers Sarah L. Walker, Sam Neill, Alison Hurbert-Burns, and Penny Win.
Set in Western Australia’s picturesque Margaret River region, Perth, and surrounding areas, including the state’s Parliament House and the ABC Studios, the new season promises to captivate audiences with its stunning backdrop. Season 2 was a major success, becoming the largest production ever filmed in Western Australia and utilizing the Western Australia Production Attraction Incentive. The economic impact of Season 2 was significant, delivering A$9.6 million ($6.45 million) to the state economy and creating over 650 jobs. Season 3 is expected to have a similar positive impact, generating around A$10 million ($6.7 million) in benefits and job opportunities.
The series has received critical acclaim in the past, with Season 1 garnering ten AACTA nominations and winning in three categories, including best miniseries. Additionally, Season 1 was the most nominated drama series at the 63rd TV Week Logie Awards, taking home three TV Week Logie Awards, including most outstanding drama.
Fifth Season has been entrusted with handling the global rights sales for the series, further solidifying its reach and popularity on an international scale. Fans can look forward to the return of “The Twelve” as it continues to captivate audiences with its compelling storyline and talented cast.