Sebas Velasco, a talented artist known for his murals and paintings inspired by landscapes and cinematic portraits, has recently unveiled a striking new piece for the 2024 London Mural Festival. The large-scale portrayal, titled “A Lasting Place,” features a local resident of Brixton waiting at the train station, captured in a moment of contemplation and ease.
In the painting, the young man leans against a concrete railing, bathed in the glow of the station lights as he gazes off into the distance. Velasco’s work beautifully conveys a sense of time slowing down and a deep connection to the surroundings.
Collaborating with photographer Jose Delu, Velasco immerses himself in the local environment, drawing inspiration from conversations and experiences to capture the spirit of each place in his art. This year’s festival theme of connection resonates strongly in Velasco’s work, as he strives to create meaningful connections with the places and people he depicts.
For art enthusiasts in London, the festival offers a unique opportunity to explore over 100 murals created by a diverse range of artists, including Marija Tiurina and newcomers like Aches Elseed, BAPE, D*Face, Betz Etam, and Anna Ovney. The event runs until September 29, with a map available on the festival’s website for easy navigation.
To delve deeper into Sebas Velasco’s captivating artistry, visit his website and Instagram for more insights into his creative process and upcoming projects. Don’t miss the chance to experience the powerful storytelling and vibrant visuals of Velasco’s work at the London Mural Festival.