Nestled deep in the heart of the forest, a captivating display of human-sized mushrooms catches the eye. Created by the talented artist Riitta Ikonen and captured on film by Annie Collinge, this unique project aims to foster a deeper connection between humans and the fungal world.
Each model, disguised as a different type of mushroom, blends seamlessly into their natural surroundings. Whether resting on the forest floor, emerging from lush greenery, or standing tall against a fallen tree trunk, the elaborate costumes crafted from upcycled materials showcase a sustainable approach to art and nature.
Ikonen’s fascination with fungi dates back to her childhood, where foraging in the woods with her family sparked a lifelong passion. This project serves as a tribute to those early experiences and a celebration of the intricate beauty of mushrooms.
To explore more of Riitta Ikonen’s work, you can visit her website and follow her on Instagram. She is currently gearing up for the Nakanojo Biennale in Japan and continuing her long-running series, “Eyes as Big as Plates,” with collaborator Karoline Hjorth. Don’t forget to keep up with Annie Collinge as well, both on her website and Instagram.
The photos from the project showcase a diverse range of mushroom-inspired costumes, from the elegant veiled stinkhorn to the fluffy white Lion’s Mane fungi. Each image tells a story of symbiosis between humans and nature, blurring the lines between fantasy and reality.
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Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of mushroom-inspired art and discover the magic of connecting with nature in a whole new way.