The program has faced criticism recently due to various issues reported by schools, such as finding plastic melted into the food. New Zealand Food Safety was alerted to the incident late in the day and has launched an investigation, with plans to visit the lunch heating facility tomorrow. The lunch in question was heated offsite, not at the school.
The principal of Ilminster Intermediate School shared that the student was burned when the lunch spilled onto their leg, causing second-degree burns. The student received treatment at a local hospital. The investigation will focus on the facility where the lunch was prepared.
The School Lunch Collective, which includes the Compass Group, expressed regret over the incident and has removed the meal from the menu while investigations are ongoing. The Ministry of Education is also involved in the investigation and has expressed concern over the incident, with plans for a thorough inquiry.
Associate Education Minister David Seymour offered sympathy to the injured child and expressed concern over the incident. The incident has sparked a wave of complaints from schools participating in the lunch program, citing issues like delayed deliveries, repetitive menus, and excessive wastage.
The safety of students remains a top priority, and efforts are being made to ensure such incidents are prevented in the future.