A lost treasure by the renowned French artist Camille Claudel has been rediscovered after being missing for over a century. The bronze sculpture, titled “The Age of Maturity,” depicts a poignant scene of a man being led forward by an older woman, while a younger woman kneels behind, reaching out to him. This masterpiece, created in the 1890s, is set to be auctioned and is estimated to fetch up to $2.1 million.
The discovery of this long-lost sculpture was made by auctioneer Matthieu Semont during an inventory of an abandoned apartment in Paris. The emotional moment of uncovering the artwork left Semont in tears, describing it as a magical experience. French sculpture experts authenticated the piece, and it will be auctioned at the Philocale Auction House in Orléans, France, on February 16.
Although Camille Claudel may not be as well-known in the United States as she is in France, her reputation has been steadily growing in recent years. Celebrated for her brilliance in a time when female sculptors were rare, Claudel was a daring and visionary artist of the late 19th century. Exhibitions of her work at institutions such as the Art Institute of Chicago and the J. Paul Getty Museum have brought her art to a wider audience.
The relationship between Claudel and the famous French sculptor Auguste Rodin adds another layer of intrigue to “The Age of Maturity.” Some experts speculate that the sculpture has autobiographical elements, with the male figure representing Rodin and the younger woman symbolizing Claudel. The older woman could be a representation of Rose Beuret, Rodin’s partner and eventual wife, whom he was unwilling to leave for Claudel.
Eugène Blot, a foundry owner and art collector, played a significant role in promoting Claudel’s work by casting “The Age of Maturity.” Only a few casts of the complete sculpture exist, with one held by the Musée Camille Claudel in Nogent-sur-Seine and two larger casts at the Musée d’Orsay and the Musée Rodin. Several versions depicting only the kneeling girl have also survived.
The rediscovery of Camille Claudel’s “The Age of Maturity” offers art enthusiasts a rare opportunity to appreciate the brilliance of this pioneering female artist. Its upcoming auction will undoubtedly draw significant interest from collectors and admirers of Claudel’s remarkable talent.