Tag: 401k

How Long Does It Take to Withdraw From Your 401(k)?

Withdrawing money from your 401(k) is a significant financial decision that requires careful consideration. While it can take

Are target-date funds — the most popular 401(k) investment — right for you?

Target-date funds have become increasingly popular among 401(k) participants as a way to simplify their retirement savings strategy.

The Roth 401(k) is becoming more common

Retirement savers, take note: more employers are now offering a Roth savings option in their workplace 401(k) plans.

More employers add 401(k) plan match for workers paying student loans

The option for companies to offer a match on their workers' student loan payments has opened up a

Why 401(k) plans are the ‘final frontier’ for exchange-traded funds

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have been gaining popularity among investors in recent years, with approximately $10 trillion in assets

A 401(k) match is one the ‘rare guarantees’ in investing, CFP says

Investing can be a daunting task, with the stock market fluctuating unpredictably and average returns not guaranteed. However,

401(k) auto-enrollment less effective than expected, study says

The concept of automated retirement savings through 401(k) plans has been gaining traction among employers. However, recent research