Tag: ballot

Alaskan GOP Calls for Recount After Ballot Measure to Repeal Ranked-Choice Voting Falls Short by Just 0.1%! |

The Alaska Republican Party has announced its intention to pursue a full recount and thorough review of the

Breaking: Documents Reveal Nevada Officials Deleted 26,902 Ballots From Their Mail Ballot Totals Overnight from Thursday to Friday |

Article originally published by Martel Maxim on JoeHoft.com – reposted with permission Thousands of votes mysteriously disappeared from

Election 2024: Florida abortion rights ballot measure fails

The recent defeat of a ballot initiative in Florida has dealt a blow to the reproductive rights movement,

The 5 states where environmental ballot initiatives triumphed

The recent presidential election in the United States may not have put climate change at the forefront, but

RFK Jr.’s Request to Be Removed from North Carolina Ballot Denied

Judge Denies Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Request to be Removed from Ballot in North Carolina By Elyse Apel

Why Californians should expect ballot measure surprises on election night

The 2024 election season in California has been marked by some unusual dynamics when it comes to ballot

Healthcare Is On The Ballot Due To 2025 Presidential Decisions

However, the reality is that healthcare policy decisions made by the next president will impact all Americans, whether

Kamala Harris Reaches Her Mail In Ballot Firewall In Pennsylvania

Good news for Democrats in Pennsylvania, as they have surpassed their needed ballot firewall of 400,000 votes before

The Climate and the Health of our Children Is on the Ballot on November 5

The upcoming 2024 presidential election holds significant implications for the climate, as well as the health and well-being

Noncitizen Voting Ballot Measures in Eight States This Fall

Noncitizen Voting Debate Intensifies Across States Credit: Whoisjohngalt, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons By Shirleen Guerra (The

TV ad claims NY’s Prop 1 ballot measure will aid illegal immigration, non-citizen voting

Controversial TV Ad Claims New York Ballot Measure Could Benefit Illegal Immigrants and Allow Non-Citizens to Vote A

Georgia judge blocks controversial ballot hand tally rule

In a recent development, a Georgia state judge has made a crucial decision to temporarily block a controversial