Tag: Dioramas

Rooms and Buildings Have a Life of Their Own in Eamon Monaghan’s Uncanny Dioramas β€” Colossal

Eamon Monaghan’s latest exhibition, "Under the Floorboards," showcases a series of chaotic dioramas that push the boundaries of

Do science dioramas still have a place in today’s museums?

Visitors could see animals in their natural habitats, with meticulously crafted details that brought the scenes to life.

Magic and Mystery Illuminate Hari & Deepti’s Paper-Cut Dioramas β€” Colossal

Hari & Deepti, a talented husband and wife duo based in Mumbai, have been captivating audiences with their

Inside Miniature Dioramas, Flying Saucers Drift Across Extraterrestrial Landscapes β€” Colossal

Caroline Dewison, the talented artist behind A House of Wonders, creates intricate miniature scenes within small ovoid frames

Magic and Whimsy Abound from Shannon Taylor’s Fantastic Watercolor Dioramas β€” Colossal

Shannon Taylor is an artist based in Oakland who has a knack for transforming vintage compacts into enchanting