Tag: Earths

Scientists find a long-sought electric field in Earth’s atmosphere

The discovery of the ambipolar electric field has shed new light on the fundamental workings of our planet's

Mega El Niños Could Have Inflamed Earth’s Most Devastating Extinction : ScienceAlert

The Great Dying: A Quarter-Billion Years Ago, Earth Faced Catastrophic Extinction Events Life was put to the ultimate

Physicists Are Unraveling The Great Mystery of Earth’s Inner Core : ScienceAlert

Deep beneath the Earth's surface, at a depth of over 5,100km, lies the Earth's inner core - a

Mysterious ‘Donut’ Structure Found Hidden Inside Earth’s Core : ScienceAlert

The Earth's core is a fascinating and mysterious place, located about 2,890 kilometers beneath our feet. This gigantic

Matching Dinosaur Footprints Found 3,700 Miles Apart Reveal Earth’s Past : ScienceAlert

Alfred Wegener's Revolutionary Idea of Continental Drift: A Look at Recent Fossil Discoveries In January 1912, German geophysicist