Tag: extinction

Kanye West ‘Facing Extinction Amid Power-Players’ Takedown’

A group of powerful individuals, including politicians and business moguls, are allegedly working behind the scenes to bring

How Extinction Rebellion ‘reaped a whirlwind’

The documentary highlighted in a somewhat condescending burlesque tone the pursuit of Roger as he pushed for arrests

Bonobo extinction threat

Bonobos, our endangered great ape relatives, have been found to be even more vulnerable than previously thought, according

The ‘Mekong ghost’ megafish has resurfaced after an extinction scare 

The “Mekong ghost” fish is a ghost no more. Like the legendary Rip Van Winkle, who wandered into

Lessons from Extinction Rebellion: the spark

Extinction Rebellion (XR) has been a prominent force in the climate activism movement, drawing inspiration from key theorists

Mega El Niños Could Have Inflamed Earth’s Most Devastating Extinction : ScienceAlert

The Great Dying: A Quarter-Billion Years Ago, Earth Faced Catastrophic Extinction Events Life was put to the ultimate

Mega El Niños may have played a part in the Permian mass extinction

The end-Permian extinction event, also known as the Great Dying, occurred 250 million years ago and is considered

The ‘living fossil’ that thrived during a mass extinction

Paleontologists have made a groundbreaking discovery of a new extinct coelacanth species, known as Ngamugawi wirngarri, shedding light