Tag: Jesus

Kylie Jenner to Cover Funeral Expenses For Hairstylist Jesus Guerrero

Kylie Jenner is devastated by the sudden death of her close friend and longtime hairstylist, Jesus Guerrero. The

Vatican Removes Baby Jesus Wearing Keffiyeh From Nativity

The Vatican's Nativity scene featuring a wood-carved infant Jesus laying on a keffiyeh sparked both praise and outrage

‘A.I. Jesus’ Greets Parishioners in Confessional Booth at Catholic Church

A church in Switzerland is breaking new ground by introducing an A.I. hologram of Jesus to provide advice

The Inspirational World of Jesus Coloring Pages – IMAGELLA

Coloring pages have been a beloved activity for both children and adults for years, providing a creative outlet

Trump Babbles in Dr Phil Interview He’d Win California if ‘Jesus Was the Vote Counter

Donald Trump Slams New Indictment as Attempt to Interfere with Election In a recent statement, former President Donald