Tag: Laws

Keith Law’s predictions, projections and wild guesses for the 2025 MLB season

As we look ahead to the 2025 MLB season, it's time for the annual tradition of predicting team

NY’s lefty leaders have not backed Gov. Hochul’s bid to fix state’s twisted evidence laws — despite surge in support

New York Governor Kathy Hochul is pushing for a major overhaul of the state's evidence laws, aiming to

NY’s broken mental health laws let 14-year-old’s deranged alleged killer slip through cracks despite ‘all kinds of red flags’

“I want to make sure that he’s evaluated mentally and that he’s getting the proper treatment,” Brackley said.

Space Is Set to Become a ‘Wild West’ as Outdated Laws Struggle to Keep Up : ScienceAlert

The year 2025 has seen a significant increase in private venture space missions, with some achieving great success

Hilbert’s sixth problem: Mathematicians solve 125-year-old quest to unite key laws of physics

Mathematicians Achieve Breakthrough in Unifying Laws of Physics Understanding fluids requires mathematical tools that operate at different scalesKARL

Big banks abandoned a climate alliance. Now, critics are calling for new laws.

The recent departure of the United States' largest banks from the Net Zero Banking Alliance, a United Nations-sponsored

Even Al Sharpton sees how these pro-defense laws endanger New York’s innocents

The state of New York's 2019 "discovery" reforms have come under scrutiny from various figures, including the Rev.

Adams and Hochul need to follow federal law and scuttle illegal sanctuary laws

Mayor Adams has recently made a bold move by pledging cooperation with ICE to apprehend dangerous criminal migrants.

California AG: Hospitals Must Continue Transitioning Minors, Citing Anti-discrimination Laws

California Attorney General Issues Guidance on Gender-Affirming Care for Minors Credit: Pi.1415926535 via Wikimedia Commons California Attorney General

Hochul backs NYC DAs’ push to reform discovery laws by closing loopholes that let criminals walk free on technicalities

Governor Kathy Hochul is standing behind district attorneys in New York City who are advocating for changes to

Gun Laws Have Changed – Do You Have The Updated Reciprocity Map? |

Are you a gun owner who loves to travel but worries about the different gun laws in each

Why New York’s ‘discovery’ laws are ready for a redo

This would prevent the absurd collection requirements that currently overwhelm prosecutors and lead to the dismissal of cases.