Tag: Memories

Joan Clare Brown Juxtaposes Anatomy and Memories in Poignant Porcelain Sculptures — Colossal

Joan Clare Brown's porcelain sculptures in her ongoing series Ed are a reflection of grief and personal experience.

How people suppress memories may be key to PTSD recovery

Researchers found that in individuals with PTSD, the brain regions responsible for memory encoding and retrieval were hyperactive

How Our Experiences Become Memories

Memories are formed in a matter of seconds as the brain processes sensory inputs and creates dynamic neural

The First Step To Creating Memories

The intricate process of memory formation in the brain has long been a subject of fascination and study.

Titus Kaphar Paints Memories, Family, and Grief into ‘Exhibiting Forgiveness’ — Colossal

Titus Kaphar's latest exhibition at Gagosian showcases his deeply personal and reflective oil paintings, which draw on themes