Tag: NASAs

NASA’s Experimental Hybrid Hydrogen Engine Could Finally Cut Flight Emissions : ScienceAlert

NASA Funds Development of Hybrid Hydrogen-Based Aircraft Engine Air travel is responsible for approximately 2.5 percent of global

Moon Or Mars? NASA’s Future At A Crossroads Under Trump 2.0

Washington: Is NASA still on a path to the Moon, or is the next big leap aimed directly

NASA’s Stranded Astronauts Take Spacewalk Together Amid Ongoing Limbo

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — NASA’s two stuck astronauts embarked on their first spacewalk together on Thursday, exiting

NASA’s stuck astronaut steps out on a spacewalk after 7 months in orbit – JS

By JOHN SMITHCAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — NASA's astronauts faced an exciting change of pace as one of them

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe survived its closest approach to the sun

Read more about this historic mission here. During this close approach, Parker collected data on the sun’s magnetic

Meet Pearl Young, Who ‘Raised Hell’ at NASA’s Predecessor

Pearl Young: The First Woman to Work in a Technical Role at NASA Pearl Young was a trailblazer

NASA’s Perseverance rover found a new potential setting for Martian life

Perseverance Rover on Mars Uncovers Oldest Rocks and Potential Evidence of Ancient Martian Life The Perseverance Rover on

Uranus may have looked weird when NASA’s Voyager 2 flew by

A recent study suggests that some of the bizarre characteristics of Uranus may be attributed to a unique

Googly-eyed potato eclipse filmed by NASA’s Perseverance rover

Phobos, one of Mars' two moons, is quite the speedster in the solar system. With its unique size,

NASA’s Europa mission is a homecoming for one planetary astronomer

Planetary astronomer Bonnie Buratti has been fascinated by the possibility of life on Jupiter's icy moon Europa since

Immerse Yourself in the ‘Hyperwall,’ NASA’s New Visual Showcase of a Changing Earth

The National Museum of Natural History is now home to NASA's new Earth Information Center exhibition, showcasing the

Europa Clipper, NASA’s Mission to Jupiter’s Oceanic Moon, Is ‘Go’ for Launch

The Europa Clipper spacecraft is gearing up for its highly anticipated launch to Jupiter's moon Europa, a destination