Tag: principal

My Principal Uses the Security Cameras at School as a “Gotcha”

As a high school journalism teacher, I often encounter various challenges in the school environment. One particular issue

Florida principal charged after booze-filled party with 100 teens thrown at her home

A shocking incident unfolded at a house party in Florida, where around 100 teenagers allegedly consumed alcohol inside

Woman charged with committing 2 CTA robberies after her principal identified her: CPD report

An 18-year-old woman, Celeste Pope, has been charged with committing two robberies on CTA trains in Chicago over

Help! My Principal Told Me I Have to “Work On” My Stutter, But I Can’t

As a first-year teacher dealing with a stutter, it can be challenging to navigate feedback from your principal

How This Principal Manages Student Behavior—Without Too Many Rules

Tracie Anderson Swilley, the newly announced 2025 National Principal of the Year, has been at the helm of

Inside the No-Limits Mindset of the New National Principal of the Year

Swilley has implemented several programs to involve students in the school’s improvement and to help them envision a

Help! My Principal Said It’s Not My Job To Police Students’ Morals

Them Dear I.U.V.T., This is a tough situation to be in, but it’s not uncommon in schools. It’s

Principal Experience Does Not Boost School Performance

Does Principal Experience Really Boost School Performance? It’s a common belief that the longer someone works in a

Help! My Principal Keeps Passive-Aggressively Mentioning That I Leave Too Early

Dear We Are Teachers, I recently started working at a new school that I really enjoy, except for

What To Do and Not Do When Your Principal Is a Jerk

Dealing with a difficult principal can be a challenging situation for any teacher. It's important to navigate this

Meet the 3 Finalists for National Principal of the Year

The National Principal of the Year award finalists this year have shown exceptional dedication to improving their schools

Texas assistant principal left blinded, may lose eye after student threw hanger at her

An assistant principal at Collins Intermediate School in Corsicana, Texas, was tragically injured by a student during a