Tag: Study

Half of adult ticks in the Northeast carry Lyme disease bacteria, study reveals

Ticks are a common concern in the Northeast, particularly during the warmer months. A recent study conducted by

Cortisol study challenges previous assumptions

Waking up does not activate an increase in the release of the stress hormone cortisol, according to new

Green Tea May Protect Aging Brains, New Study Suggests

A recent study conducted by the Graduate School of Medical Sciences at Kanazawa University has revealed the potential

Study links PFAS contamination of drinking water to a range of rare cancers

Communities across the United States are facing a significant health risk due to drinking water contaminated with per-

Study finds chances of quitting smoking improve with integrated care, including medication and counseling

Lung cancer screening presents a critical opportunity for smokers to quit, according to a study conducted by researchers

Study Suggests AI Tools Decrease Critical Thinking Skills

In this week’s edition of The Prototype, the focus is on the potential negative impact of excessive reliance

Sedentary work and irregular hours significantly impact sleep health, study shows

The modern workforce, where approximately 80% of jobs are highly sedentary, is facing a significant risk of insomnia

Patient care declines after private equity buys hospitals, study finds

Health policy experts at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) recently published a paper in JAMA revealing the

Daily Glass of Milk May Reduce Bowel Cancer Risk by Up to 14%, Study Shows : ScienceAlert

A Glass of Milk a Day May Lower Risk of Colorectal Cancer, Study Suggests New research has revealed

Alcohol raises colorectal cancer risk while calcium protects, study finds

Researchers from the Cancer Epidemiology Unit at the University of Oxford, in collaboration with international institutions, have made

Study Finds Microplastics Are Widespread in Popular Seafoods : ScienceAlert

Microplastics Found in Pacific Northwest Seafood Like a salmon returning to its birthplace, ocean plastic is finding its

Study reveals how sex and age influence fat in muscles and bones

Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have made a groundbreaking discovery regarding sex-specific differences in the accumulation of