Tag: Teacher

Before Dan Hurley’s UConn master class, he was a high school history teacher

Dan Hurley, the renowned UConn basketball coach, is often remembered for his days as a high school history

This English Teacher Is All of Us Filling Out Incident Reports

English teachers are often bound by the routine tasks of grading papers, teaching punctuation, and reading aloud. Rarely

New Research Shows the Right Teacher Can Make a Big Difference in High School Math

As a former math teacher, the challenges faced by high school students, especially those who are marginalized, in

Teacher Exhaustion Stories Are Making Us Laugh (and Cry)

Teacher exhaustion is a very real phenomenon, especially in the pre-Thanksgiving period. It can lead to some hilarious

This Teacher Has 4 Productivity Hacks, and They’re Brilliant

As teachers, we often struggle to make the most of our planning periods. With the demands of the

This Substitute Teacher Is Sharing the Hilarious Things Her Students Say

Kids are known for their brutal honesty and hilarious comments, especially in the classroom. Australian substitute teacher, Kaia

50+ Most Requested Teacher Gifts in Every Price Range for 2024

Pepper Zero Sugar Soda 2. Sticky Notes Teachers are always in need of sticky notes. They use them

Schools Have Fewer Teacher Vacancies This Year. But Hiring Is Still Not Easy

The latest data from the National Center for Education Statistics’ School Pulse Panel reveals that one-fifth of vacant

4-Day School Weeks and Their Surprising Effect on Teacher Turnover

Overall, the study suggests that the switch to a four-day school week may not have the desired impact

20 Best Nonfiction Books for Teens (Teacher Recommended!)

Buy it: Unbroken Amazon Warriors Don't Cry by Melba Pattillo Beals Melba Pattillo Beals was one of a

This Teacher Acts Out the Questions His Students Would STILL Be Asking at His Funeral

Teachers are no strangers to the never-ending stream of questions from students. From asking for snacks to needing

Dear Teacher Dealing With the Aftermath of a Natural Disaster

As a teacher who has experienced the aftermath of a natural disaster, such as Hurricane Harvey, I understand