Tag: transplant

History Can Help Us Understand Organ Transplant Personality Changes, Says Expert : ScienceAlert

Organ transplantation has long been a topic of controversy and fascination in the medical field. The idea that

Historic pig transplant recipient died of ‘unexpected cardiac event’

The passing of Rick Slayman, the pioneer recipient of a genetically engineered pig kidney transplant, was attributed to

The FDA must save the fecal transplant

Twenty years ago, I was faced with a unique and somewhat unconventional medical request from a colleague -

Stem cell transplant gives hope for treating age-related sight loss

Holes in the retina can make vision patchy or blurredCHRISTOPH BURGSTEDT/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY A recent breakthrough in vision

5 takeaways: Congress aims to fix troubled U.S. transplant system

The nation's organ transplant system is under scrutiny, as allegations of inefficiency, negligence, and corruption have surfaced. A

The first face transplant to include an eye shows no rejection a year later

In a groundbreaking medical procedure in May of 2023, Aaron James, an electrical lineman, underwent the first partial