Taxation is a topic that affects all of us, whether we realize it or not. From the clothes we wear to the beverages we drink, taxes play a significant role in shaping our daily lives. Scott Hodge’s book, “Taxocracy: What You Don’t Know About Taxes and How They Rule Your Daily Life,” sheds light on some eye-opening facts about the US tax system.
One striking revelation from Hodge’s book is that 75 percent of the overall burden of US tariffs is on apparel, with 66 percent of that burden falling on women’s apparel. This disparity is not just due to women buying more clothing than men, but also because the US government intentionally sets higher tariff rates on women’s clothing compared to men’s clothing. Women’s clothing faces a tariff rate of 15.1 percent, while men’s clothing is taxed at 11.9 percent.
Hodge, who served as the president and CEO of the Tax Foundation from 2000 to 2022, delves into the ways in which taxes distort our behavior and lead to deadweight loss. This loss occurs when consumer and producer gains are forgone due to higher prices resulting from taxes. Sin taxes, in particular, are highlighted as a prime example of how taxes can influence consumer behavior. For instance, the lower taxes on brewed beverages compared to distilled spirits have led to the rapid growth of hard seltzers in the US.
The book also explores the impact of specific sin taxes, such as Norway’s high tax on sugar, which has fueled a thriving candy business in neighboring Sweden. Closer to home, New York’s high taxes on cigarettes have led to a significant portion of cigarettes consumed in the state being sourced from smugglers.
Hodge’s research and insights on taxation are not only informative but also thought-provoking. His work underscores the intricate ways in which taxes shape our choices and impact our daily lives. For those interested in delving deeper into the world of taxation, “Taxocracy” is a must-read.
If you want to learn more about the fascinating world of taxes, I highly recommend checking out Scott Hodge’s book. It offers a wealth of knowledge on how taxes influence our behavior and shape the world around us. So next time you reach for that candy bar or light up a cigarette, remember that taxes are playing a significant role in your decision-making process.