Telegram has kicked off the new year with its first update, introducing a range of exciting features for its users. One of the standout additions is a new account verification method that is powered by third-party authorities. This new system allows already-verified third-party entities, such as food quality regulators or educational consortiums, to verify user accounts on the platform. Verified accounts will display a special logo next to their names, distinguishing them from unverified accounts.
According to Telegram, this decentralized platform for additional verification aims to combat scams and reduce misinformation on the platform. Users or organizations seeking verification will need to undergo a verification process and submit an application to be eligible for the verified mark. Through Telegram’s Bot API, entities can assign or remove verification, similar to how organizations can verify their affiliated accounts on other platforms. Once verified, affiliated accounts will display the organization’s logo on their profile.
In addition to account verification, Telegram has also introduced a new feature that allows users to turn gifts into non-fungible tokens (NFTs) with custom backgrounds and icons. To send gifts as NFTs, users can purchase Telegram Stars within the app or through the Fragment site by connecting their TON crypto wallet. These NFTs can be traded on various platforms, with Telegram charging users a fee to upgrade their gifts to collectibles to cover blockchain transaction costs.
Telegram has been actively integrating cryptocurrencies into its platform for creator monetization and in-app payments for games and mini-apps. The company has also rolled out an emoji reaction feature for service messages, like when someone joins a group, and new search filters for private chats, group chats, and channels.
Overall, Telegram’s latest update brings a host of new features and enhancements aimed at improving the user experience and safety on the platform. With the introduction of third-party account verification and the ability to turn gifts into NFTs, Telegram continues to innovate and stay ahead in the messaging app space.