HBO has decided to cancel “The Franchise” after just one season on the network. The satirical comedy series, created by Jon Brown and executive produced by Sam Mendes and Armando Iannucci, revolved around the chaotic production of a superhero movie.
The show starred Himesh Patel as a stressed-out first assistant director working on a big-budget superhero film that was part of a larger franchise. The ensemble cast also included Aya Cash, Jessica Hynes, Billy Magnussen, Lolly Adefope, Darren Goldstein, Isaac Powell, Richard E. Grant, and Daniel Brühl.
An HBO spokesperson expressed gratitude for the talented team behind the series and mentioned the possibility of future collaborations, despite the cancellation of a second season. “The Franchise” premiered on Oct. 6 and aired eight half-hour episodes weekly on HBO.
Critics had mixed reviews about the show, with Variety’s chief TV critic Alison Herman noting that while the series had a cynical and humorous tone, it did not offer any groundbreaking insights into popular culture. Deadline was the first to report the cancellation of the series.
Although “The Franchise” may not have resonated with audiences as expected, the talented cast and crew involved in the project are likely to continue creating compelling content in the future. Fans of the show can still enjoy the one season that aired and look forward to seeing what the creators have in store next.