“The Masked Singer” is set to pay tribute to the beloved characters from Charlie Brown, Snoopy, and friends in a special “Peanuts Night” episode airing on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 28. The event will feature performances by panelists Rita Ora and Robin Thicke, who will kick off the show with a rendition of “You Make My Dreams Come True.” The Group C finals will follow, with contestants Sherlock Hound, Royal Knight, and Strawberry Shortcake providing Thanksgiving-themed clues and singing iconic songs like “I Hope You Dance,” “Holiday,” and “Ho Hey.” The episode will culminate in a battle royale and double elimination.
In anticipation of “Peanuts Night,” the show’s panelists shared their favorite characters from the long-running comic strip. Robin Thicke humorously revealed his connection to Pig Pen, joking about the character’s perpetual need for a shower. Jenny McCarthy Wahlberg expressed her love for Charlie Brown and Lucy, sharing her childhood obsession with drawing pictures of Lucy everywhere. Rita Ora related to Lucy’s psychiatric booth, citing her personal instincts that she resonates with. Ken Jeong identified with Charlie Brown, particularly enjoying the classic line, “All I got was a rock,” from the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown special.
Celebrity contestants who have been unmasked so far this season include Drake Bell as Ice King, Bethany Hamilton as Macaron, Natalie Imbruglia as Bluebell, and others. The show has also featured themed episodes dedicated to Mattel’s Barbie, the film “Footloose,” Miley Cyrus, and various music genres and eras like the 60s and festivals. “The Masked Singer” is produced by Fox Alternative Entertainment, with Rosie Seitchik, Craig Plestis, and Nick Cannon serving as executive producers.
The series, based on the South Korean format created by Mun Hwa Broadcasting Corp, continues to captivate audiences with its unique blend of mystery, music, and celebrity performances. Stay tuned for more exciting reveals and themed episodes as “The Masked Singer” Season 12 unfolds.