After the success of two beloved Princess Diaries films, fans have been eagerly awaiting news of a third installment. Anne Hathaway, who portrayed Princess Mia Thermopolis in the original 2001 movie, recently shared some exciting updates during an appearance on Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen. According to her, there is a script in place for the third movie, and both she and Julie Andrews are on board to reprise their roles. Debra Martin Chase, the producer, is also keen to make the project a reality.
The late director Garry Marshall was responsible for bringing Meg Cabot’s popular Princess Diaries novels to life on the big screen. The first film introduced us to Hathaway’s Mia, a regular teenager who discovers she is the heir to a European throne and must navigate her newfound royal status alongside her estranged grandmother, played by Andrews. The sequel, The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement, was released in 2004, continuing Mia’s journey as she prepares to ascend to the throne.
In a surprising announcement in October 2024, Hathaway confirmed that Disney has given the green light for a third Princess Diaries movie, with plans to start filming in 2025. This news has sparked excitement among fans who have been eagerly awaiting a return to Genovia.
As we eagerly anticipate the next chapter in Mia’s story, let’s take a look back at some candid quotes from the cast about the possibility of reuniting for another film. It’s clear that the passion and enthusiasm for this project are stronger than ever, and fans can look forward to seeing their favorite characters back on the big screen once again. Stay tuned for more updates on The Princess Diaries 3!