Amazon’s “Secret Level” is a new animated anthology series created by Tim Miller, the director of “Deadpool” and the creator of “Love, Death & Robots.” The series takes popular video games and tells short stories set in their universes. Recently, Miller shared some insights about the series during an interview at the Lucca Comic and Games convention in Italy.
When asked about his thoughts on Lucca, Miller expressed his fascination with the ancient streets and the vibrant culture of the festival. He noted how the convention has evolved over the years, attracting a diverse audience that includes families and children dressed up as their favorite characters.
The inspiration behind “Secret Level” is to take characters from video games and tell original stories. Miller explained that his company, Blur, has been creating game animations for almost 30 years. The series features stories from 15 different games, catering to a wide range of fanbases.
Adapting games for the series can be a challenging task, as Miller emphasized the importance of honoring the source material while making it accessible to a broader audience. The team works closely with developers to capture the essence of each game and create compelling narratives.
The animation style of each episode is influenced by the look and feel of the original game. For games like “Mega Man” and “Pac Man,” the creative team has the freedom to explore different visual styles while still staying true to the essence of the game.
When asked about the recent “Dungeons & Dragons” film treatment, Miller revealed that the focus was on creating a unique and visually stunning dragon character. The developer wanted to present dragons in a way that had never been seen before, setting a high bar for the short film.
Miller shared that he doesn’t look at other video game movies for inspiration, as he prefers to create content that resonates with his own nerdy interests. Despite past challenges, such as the mixed reception of “Terminator: Dark Fate,” Miller remains committed to delivering content that appeals to fans like himself.
Looking ahead, Miller hinted at the possibility of expanding the “Secret Level” series based on the positive feedback from game developers. He hopes to continue exploring new ways to bring gaming audiences closer to their favorite characters and worlds.
Overall, “Secret Level” promises to offer a fresh and innovative take on popular video game franchises, blending captivating storytelling with visually stunning animation. As Miller continues to push boundaries in the world of animation, fans can look forward to more exciting projects in the future.