Sony is set to introduce a new character to its Spider-Man Universe this December with the release of “Kraven the Hunter.” The film will focus on Sergei Kravinoff, also known as Kraven the Hunter, a villain from the Marvel comics created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko in 1964. Unlike his comic book counterpart, the movie version of Kraven, portrayed by Aaron Taylor-Johnson, will be portrayed as a conservationist and animal lover instead of a maniacal big-game hunter obsessed with defeating Spider-Man.
The film will delve into Kraven’s origin story, exploring how he becomes the formidable adversary fans know from the comics. While this departure from the source material has caused some controversy among fans, it is possible that the character will evolve throughout the movie to align more closely with his comic book persona.
“Kraven the Hunter” promises to be a unique blend of a family story and a gangster tale, offering a fresh take on the iconic character. To get a glimpse of what to expect, viewers can watch the movie’s trailer, which teases an exciting and action-packed adventure.
Tickets for “Kraven the Hunter” are expected to go on sale on Friday, 29 November 2024, two weeks before the film’s premiere on Friday, 13 December 2024. While some may find this timing late compared to other movie releases, Sony may be banking on building anticipation for the delayed premiere of the film.
Moviegoers can purchase tickets for “Kraven the Hunter” from popular cinema chains in the US, such as AMC Theatres, Fandango, Atom Tickets, Cinemark, and Regal Cinemas, as well as in the UK from Vue, Cineworld, Odeon, and Showcase. As the release date approaches, fans can look forward to more updates and related articles about the upcoming film.
With its unique take on a classic Marvel character and a promising blend of genres, “Kraven the Hunter” is shaping up to be a must-see movie for fans of the Spider-Man Universe. Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to experience the thrilling adventure of Kraven on the big screen this December.