Maria Cornejo, the talented designer behind the eponymous label, is currently immersed in a significant archive project at her studio in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. She is meticulously going through racks and racks of clothes that date back to her early design days at the London label Richmond Cornejo in the late 1980s. This project is a testament to the cyclical nature of Cornejo’s creative process, as she often revisits past silhouettes and designs for inspiration.
One standout piece from her new pre-fall collection is a loose-fitting shift dress with stand-up pleated details at the shoulders. This design feels like a blast from the past, with a nod to the ’80s aesthetic that is currently experiencing a resurgence in popularity. Alongside this retro-inspired piece, Cornejo introduces new shapes such as full-legged, high-waisted pants with a diagonal zip in the front and a bubble skirt with a smocked waist and an elasticated hem. These designs subtly reference the ’80s era while remaining modern and fresh.
Despite the retro influences in her collection, Cornejo is firmly focused on the present and the future of sustainable fashion. She is known as one of New York fashion’s leaders in sustainable design, constantly seeking out eco-friendly materials and production processes. For this season, Cornejo has incorporated a summery, light-as-air polyester fabric that is partially recycled, marking a significant step towards more sustainable practices in her brand.
One of the standout elements of Cornejo’s pre-fall collection is her bold use of color. Vibrant hues like sunflower yellow and Yves Klein blue make a statement in pieces like a v-neck dress in ripple gauze and an ’80s inspired shoulder dress. Additionally, Cornejo introduces new navy and gold jacquard fabrics and reissues a graphic print on silk using a digital inkjet process that minimizes waste compared to traditional screen-printing methods.
In conclusion, Maria Cornejo’s pre-fall collection is a harmonious blend of past influences and future-forward sustainability. With her keen eye for design and commitment to eco-conscious practices, Cornejo continues to push boundaries and set new standards in the fashion industry. Every little bit counts, and Cornejo’s dedication to responsible fashion is a shining example for the industry as a whole.