Jasmine Guy and T.C. Carson, the beloved actors known for their iconic roles in “A Different World” and “Living Single,” are back with a new Christmas collaboration. Their latest project, “A Wesley South African Christmas,” is the third installment in the film series and marks their first time shooting overseas. The duo recently celebrated the release of the film in Hollywood, spreading holiday cheer and nostalgia among fans.
Despite their new project, Jasmine and T.C. haven’t forgotten their roots. They both believe that reboots of their classic sitcoms would be successful in today’s television landscape. Their dedication to their characters is evident, with Jasmine speculating that Whitley would be facing a mid-life crisis in the present day, while T.C. ponders the fate of the child he and his on-screen girlfriend, Maxine Shaw, had at the end of “Living Single.”
While they may be open to the idea of reboots, Jasmine and T.C. do have some regrets about how their original shows ended. Jasmine reveals that the studio changed their time slot to compete with Martin Lawrence’s rising popularity, while T.C. candidly shares that he was fired for going against producers. Despite these challenges, the actors remain proud of their work and believe that their Christmas movies are among the best in the industry.
Looking towards the future, Jasmine and T.C. are hopeful for the possibility of their dream reboots becoming a reality. Whether or not that happens, one thing is for sure – their on-screen chemistry and enduring appeal continue to captivate audiences, making them true legends in the entertainment world.