A new spinoff of the popular ABC show “The Rookie” is currently in development. The untitled project, created by Alexi Hawley, is set in Washington state and follows a male cop who is embarking on a new chapter in his life. The show is a collaboration between Lionsgate Television and 20th Television, with Hawley serving as the writer and executive producer, alongside executive producers Nathan Fillion, Michelle Chapman, and Bill Norcross.
This news comes as “The Rookie” gears up for its seventh season premiere in January. The show has been a consistent hit for ABC since it first aired in 2018. If the new spinoff moves forward, it will be the second offshoot of “The Rookie.” The first spinoff, “The Rookie: Feds,” introduced during the fourth season, focused on Niecy Nash Betts as a Special Agent with the FBI.
ABC’s decision to renew “The Rookie” for a seventh season was based on the show’s strong performance, with the Season 6 premiere garnering 11.9 million viewers across all platforms. The main cast of “The Rookie” includes Nathan Fillion, Mekia Cox, Alyssa Diaz, Richard T. Jones, Melissa O’Neil, Eric Winter, Jenna Dewan, Shawn Ashmore, Tru Valentino, and Lisseth Chavez.
Deadline was the first to report on the development of the new spinoff project. Fans of “The Rookie” can look forward to more thrilling police drama as the franchise continues to expand with new and exciting stories.