Kid Cudi’s home in Los Angeles was recently the scene of an unexpected intrusion, according to law enforcement sources. The rapper’s residence was reportedly burglarized by an unwelcome visitor who decided to make himself quite comfortable.
Reports indicate that the intruder not only helped himself to Kid Cudi’s food but also used the bathroom and even took a shower. The audacity of the trespasser was discovered when a shirtless man was caught on Kid Cudi’s security system hanging out in the kitchen around 5 PM on a Wednesday.
Upon being alerted, L.A. County Sheriff’s deputies quickly responded to the scene and apprehended the individual in question. However, by that time, the intruder had already enjoyed a meal, used the facilities, and taken a shower.
The man was subsequently taken into custody and booked on charges of felony burglary and theft of utilities. It is believed that the suspect, who law enforcement suspects is homeless, is currently being held on a hefty $150,000 bail.
This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of home security and vigilance, even in seemingly safe neighborhoods. Kid Cudi’s experience highlights the need for homeowners to take proactive measures to protect their properties from potential intruders.