A shocking incident occurred in Savannah, Georgia, where two suspects disguised as Amazon workers carried out a brutal home invasion on an elderly homeowner. The terrifying surveillance video captured the moment when the two men approached George “Dirk” Hardison’s front door on January 11. Dressed in Amazon work jackets, one of the suspects carried a box as they made their way inside the home.
Once inside, the suspects mercilessly attacked Hardison, 66, with a sledgehammer for approximately eight minutes, as reported by WTOC. The assailants only managed to steal $80 from the homeowner before fleeing the scene. Hardison was left with multiple head injuries and needed 14 staples in his head to treat the wounds.
Neighbors found Hardison covered in blood and immediately called for help. The Savannah Mayor, Van Johnson, released a statement condemning the targeted attack and assured the public that the perpetrators would be brought to justice. The police are seeking the public’s help in identifying the suspects, described as two younger black males in their 20s.
Hardison, who works as a bartender at O’Connell’s Pub in Savannah’s Historic District, has a GoFundMe page set up to support his recovery and rehabilitation. The fundraiser has already raised $14,000 to assist the victim. Mayor Johnson urged residents to remain vigilant and advised against opening the door for strangers or accepting deliveries from unanticipated individuals.
An Amazon spokesperson confirmed that the suspects were not affiliated with the company and were not on a scheduled delivery. They emphasized that Amazon delivery personnel do not typically knock on doors or ask for signatures unless prearranged. The investigation is ongoing, and authorities are working diligently to apprehend the suspects responsible for the heinous attack.
The community is urged to stay alert and report any suspicious activity to the police. The safety and security of residents are paramount, and cooperation from the public is essential in ensuring the swift capture of the perpetrators. Let us stand together in condemning such acts of violence and work towards a safer and more secure environment for all.