Sai Varshith Kandula, a young Indian migrant living in Chesterfield, Missouri, made headlines in May 2023 when he attempted to ram his way through a White House barrier using a U-Haul truck. The failed plot resulted in Kandula’s arrest by police, who discovered a Nazi flag in the truck after the crash near the White House.
Eyewitnesses at the scene reported that the truck was driven into a barrier twice before coming to a stop at the north side of Lafayette Park. The presence of only a Nazi flag in the truck raised suspicions about the incident being orchestrated to fit a white supremacist narrative pushed by Joe Biden and the FBI.
Despite the initial suspicions, Kandula was eventually sentenced to 96 months in federal prison for his attempted attack on the White House. He pleaded guilty to a charge of willful injury or depredation of property of the United States. Kandula, an Indian national and lawful permanent resident of the U.S., was also ordered to serve three years of supervised release.
However, the details surrounding Kandula’s actions leading up to the attack raise questions about the authenticity of the event. According to FBI interviews, Kandula, who was only 19 at the time, lived in his car and had no job. Yet, he managed to secure a loan, purchase a last-minute plane ticket from Missouri to Dulles, rent a U-Haul, and drive to DC to carry out the attack.
Additionally, Kandula had purchased a Nazi flag online, which he unfurled after crashing into the barrier and before his arrest. The fact that he had two phones despite claiming to be a loner who doesn’t talk to anyone, further adds to the mysterious circumstances surrounding the incident.
The implausibility of Kandula’s actions and the inconsistencies in his story raise doubts about the true nature of the attack. The case of Sai Varshith Kandula serves as a reminder to question the narratives presented by authorities and to seek the truth behind sensationalized events.