Chloe Fineman, a cast member of “Saturday Night Live,” recently took to her Instagram Story to address her previous comments about X owner Elon Musk. In 2021, Musk hosted the show and reportedly made Fineman cry during a table reading. Fineman had called out Musk for his behavior, referring to him as “mr nazi salute.”
In a post on her Instagram Story, Fineman expressed that she has no regrets about calling out Musk. This comes after Musk’s recent controversial gesture that drew comparisons to a fascist salute. The incident involving Musk making Fineman cry was first brought to light by Fineman’s castmate Bowen Yang on “Watch What Happens Live” in August of 2024. Fineman later confirmed in a TikTok video that Musk was the host who had made her cry during the table reading.
In the video, which has since been deleted, Fineman addressed Musk directly, questioning his reaction to his “SNL” appearance. She revealed herself as the cast member who was affected by Musk’s behavior and hinted that there may have been others who were similarly impacted. Musk responded to the allegations with a statement on X, expressing his concerns about the sketches leading up to the show but ultimately feeling relieved that the appearance turned out well.
The controversy surrounding Musk’s hosting of “Saturday Night Live” and his interactions with the cast members, including Chloe Fineman, has been a topic of discussion since the event took place. Fineman’s decision to speak out about her experience with Musk reflects a larger conversation about accountability and behavior in the entertainment industry.
Overall, Fineman’s openness about her experience with Musk and her decision to address the situation publicly demonstrate her commitment to standing up for herself and holding others accountable for their actions. As the cast member continues to navigate her career on “Saturday Night Live,” it is clear that she is unafraid to speak her truth and advocate for herself in the face of challenging situations.