Chunbo Zhang’s “Food Treasure” series is a stunning exploration of the American diet through the lens of Chinese porcelain motifs. The series, which features acrylic and watercolor paintings, showcases dishes like deep-dish pizza and cheeseburgers with a unique twist.
Based in Chicago, Zhang began the series in 2018 as a way to navigate the cultural differences she encountered after moving to the U.S. Food, she realized, is not just sustenance but a gateway to understanding a new culture. The intricate compositions in her paintings highlight the excess and indulgence often associated with American cuisine.
The juxtaposition of delicate porcelain patterns with greasy burgers and oozing cheese raises questions about the intersection of different culinary traditions. Zhang’s struggle to adapt to the rich and sweet American fare is evident in her work, where she replaces traditional textures with ancient Chinese motifs.
Each painting in the series represents a clash of contrasts: hard and soft, raw and cooked, ancient and contemporary. The use of antique porcelain motifs on dishes like cheeseburgers and donuts challenges viewers to consider the merging of two distinct cultures through food.
Zhang’s choice of reference imagery from Chinese wares adds another layer of complexity to the series. The patterns symbolize longevity and happiness, creating a dialogue between the familiar comfort of American cuisine and the historical significance of Chinese ceramics.
In a recent iteration of the series, Zhang painted a drippy cheeseburger on a FedEx box, highlighting the transient nature of food and the way it travels across cultures. This piece underscores the disconnect between pre-packaged meals and their original context, prompting viewers to reflect on the impact of globalization on culinary traditions.
Several works from the “Food Treasure” series are currently on display at the Elmhurst Art Museum until April 27. Zhang’s exploration of food, culture, and migration continues to captivate audiences, inviting them to reconsider the significance of everyday meals in shaping our cultural identities.