Ciara Miller, a contestant on the reality TV show “The Traitors,” recently shared her thoughts on the dynamics among the participants. She believes that some of the contestants, particularly those from shows like “Survivor” and “Big Brother,” may have targeted Bravo stars like Dorinda Medley and Chanel Ayan. In an exclusive interview with Us Weekly, Miller expressed her opinion that certain players had a strategy to take out the Bravo personalities because they are more well-liked.
Having been eliminated early on in the season, Miller reflected on her experience on “The Traitors” as both challenging and eye-opening. She admitted that she initially hesitated to target her fellow Bravo contestants, believing in the importance of sticking together. However, as the competition progressed, she found herself forming alliances with unexpected players and adapting to the intense gameplay.
Despite the physical challenges faced during the show, such as extensive running and demanding tasks, Miller found moments of camaraderie with her fellow contestants. She mentioned that the lack of downtime on the show prevented any “bed rotting” and kept the atmosphere intense and engaging.
One highlight of Miller’s time on the show was her partnership with Amanda Batula, with whom she enjoyed snacking on KIND Snacks during breaks. Miller emphasized the importance of moderation and praised KIND Snacks for being a convenient and crumb-free snack choice, perfect for the fast-paced environment of the show.
Looking ahead, Miller expressed excitement about watching the rest of the season unfold and seeing how the alliances and betrayals play out. She also hinted at the challenges of identifying the traitors on the show, noting the importance of trust and intuition in navigating the gameplay.
In conclusion, fans can catch “The Traitors” on Peacock, airing on Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET. As the drama and competition continue to escalate, viewers can expect more twists and turns in the quest for victory.