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Recent polls have shown that many Americans lack confidence in Trump’s ability to handle the economy. According to a report by the AP, even some of Trump’s own supporters are not very confident that he will be able to bring down costs in areas such as food, housing, and healthcare. While about 6 in 10 Republicans have confidence in his ability to create jobs, less than half are “very” confident in his ability to lower other costs.
This lack of confidence in Trump’s economic policies is not surprising, as many Americans may remember his previous term in office and have concerns about his ability to effectively manage the economy. The poll results contradict the narrative pushed by Republicans and the media that Trump is popular and has a mandate from the American people.
Despite six in ten voters who prioritized the economy casting their ballots for Trump, there seems to be a disconnect between their expectations and his performance. It raises questions about whether they were truly voting for Trump or against Biden, or if other factors influenced their decision.
The lack of confidence in Trump’s economic abilities suggests that the country may not fully support his agenda, which could lead to potential conflicts in the future. It is essential for policymakers to address these concerns and work towards building trust with the American people.
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