The never-Trump Republicans, a small and dwindling group in America, seem to be completely out of touch with reality. Despite their minuscule numbers, the liberal media often elevates them as representative of the entire GOP. Recently, two never-Trumpers named Gary Alexander and Rick Cunningham penned an op-ed for The Hill, suggesting that Democrats are poised for a major comeback in the 2028 and possibly the 2032 elections.
Their claims seem more like wishful thinking than grounded in reality. The duo argues that Democrats have a strong chance of winning in the upcoming elections due to historical factors and strategic advantages. They even propose a dream team of Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who they believe could solidify the crucial blue wall states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
However, their analysis overlooks crucial factors such as why Democrats did not choose Shapiro as Kamala Harris’s running mate in the 2024 election. This oversight highlights the disconnect between the never-Trump Republicans and the current political landscape.
Twitter users were quick to mock the op-ed, with one user sarcastically questioning who the Democrats would field as their dream team after Obama “cleared the bench” and Biden “set the team bus on fire.” Another user humorously compared the article to predicting the Las Vegas Raiders winning the Super Bowl in 2026 and 2027.
Overall, the never-Trump Republicans’ lack of credibility and dwindling influence make it challenging for them to be taken seriously. The gap between their predictions and political reality only serves to further diminish their standing in the eyes of the public.