Tamsin Greig and Joanna Scanlan are set to star in the upcoming BBC/BritBox series “Riot Women,” as revealed in the first look images released. The six-part drama, created by Sally Wainwright of “Happy Valley” fame, follows the story of five middle-aged women who come together to form a punk-rock band and enter a local talent contest. Through their music, they find an outlet to express their frustrations with their demanding jobs, pushy parents, challenging kids, and irritating partners.
As the series progresses, more than just music binds the women together. A long-buried secret begins to surface, entangling Kitty and Beth, the creative masterminds behind the band, in a complex triangle that threatens to tear everything apart. Alongside Greig and Scanlan, the series also stars Rosalie Craig, Lorraine Ashbourne, Amelia Bullmore, Taj Atwal, Chandeep Uppal, and Macy Jacob-Seelochan. ARXX has contributed original songs for the show, adding an authentic punk-rock vibe to the series.
Wainwright, who serves as the creator, writer, director, and executive producer of “Riot Women,” expressed her excitement about the project as it comes together in the editing process. The series is produced by Drama Republic, a Mediawan-owned company known for “One Day,” and will be aired on BBC in the UK later this year, both on linear TV and iPlayer. BritBox holds the rights for the US and Canadian audiences.
The production team includes Jessica Taylor as the producer, Roanna Benn as the executive producer for Drama Republic, and Tanya Qureshi, Robert Schildhouse, and Jess O’Riordan for the BBC and BritBox. Global distribution is handled by Mediawan Rights with the participation of Entourage Ventures.
With a talented cast and crew, a compelling storyline, and the promise of original music, “Riot Women” is shaping up to be a must-watch series for fans of drama and music alike. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting new show.