The issue of high food prices has been a significant concern for the Biden administration, and there is speculation about whether this problem will continue under the new administration. A recent article from Bloomberg discusses a crackdown on illegal aliens in Florida, which could have implications for fruit and vegetable production in the United States.
Florida’s SB1718 law requires businesses to use the E-verify system to confirm the legal status of their employees or face hefty fines. Governor DeSantis has proposed even stricter measures that would involve county sheriffs in arresting and detaining migrants. The fear among farmers is that the shortage of workers willing to perform stoop work, such as harvesting fruits and vegetables, will worsen if a similar crackdown is implemented nationwide.
The article suggests that the expulsion of undocumented workers could lead to a shift in fruit and vegetable production to other countries with lower labor costs. This could have implications for the US economy and the availability of domestically grown produce.
One of the main concerns raised in the article is the potential impact of mass deportations on various sectors, including housing. The Department of Homeland Security estimates that there are around 11 million undocumented immigrants in the US, with a significant portion working in industries like construction. Trump’s deportation plans could lead to labor and supply shortages in the construction sector, affecting the already limited supply of homes.
It is important to note that there are both costs and benefits to deporting undocumented workers. While it may address certain concerns related to immigration, there could be economic consequences that need to be carefully considered. President Biden’s experience with green energy policies highlights the importance of balancing the costs and benefits of policy decisions, as voters tend to focus more on the former.
In conclusion, the issue of illegal immigration and its impact on food prices, housing, and the economy is a complex one that requires thoughtful consideration. As the new administration navigates this issue, it will be crucial to weigh the potential consequences and seek solutions that address the underlying challenges without creating new problems.