A terrifying incident unfolded in a Thornton apartment complex in Colorado early Saturday morning, leaving one man injured after encountering an armed robber. The 25-year-old victim, who lived in the same complex as his brother, was shot when he went to check on his sibling’s apartment after receiving a security camera alert.
According to a report by ABC 7 Denver, the victim’s brother was not home at the time of the incident. When the security system alerted him to movement outside his unit around 2:40 a.m., he called his brother to investigate. Upon entering the apartment, the victim came face to face with the armed suspect, who fired at least one shot before fleeing with valuable items.
The Thornton Police Department is currently investigating the crime, and the suspect remains at large. The victim was rushed to the hospital and is expected to recover from his injuries. The security camera footage captured images of the suspect, who was described as wearing a black mask, gray sweatpants, a black sweatshirt, and a black puffy vest.
Authorities believe that this was an isolated incident but are urging anyone with information to contact the Thornton Police Department tip line at 720-977-5069. As the search for the suspect continues, the community is on edge following this shocking and violent crime.