Danielle and Andrew West embarked on a tumultuous journey as new parents when their son, Owen, was born six weeks premature in November 2015. Their joy quickly turned to fear and uncertainty when Owen developed necrotizing enterocolitis just a few days after birth. This rare condition, which causes the death of bowel tissue, is particularly dangerous for preterm babies like Owen.
The sudden onset of necrotizing enterocolitis left the Wests reeling, unsure of what had caused their son to become so gravely ill. Their doctor was unable to provide concrete answers, leaving the couple feeling helpless and overwhelmed.
Danielle vividly remembers the moment she broke down in tears, her sister by her side trying to offer comfort. The weight of guilt and fear bore down on her as she grappled with the reality of Owen’s fragile health.
As they navigated the uncertainty and fear of Owen’s condition, the Wests found themselves praying fervently for their son’s survival. Every moment was filled with anxiety and hope, as they clung to the belief that Owen would pull through.