Father Carlos Martins, a well-known Detroit priest who hosts an exorcism podcast, was recently arrested on battery charges after an unusual incident involving a teenage girl at an Illinois church. The 50-year-old priest allegedly grabbed the 13-year-old girl’s hair and pretended to floss with it during an event at St. Paul the Apostle Church in Joliet.
According to reports, Martins approached the girl in line to view a religious relic and made comments about her hair before making a flossing motion with it in his mouth. He then sat behind her and emitted a growling noise, causing alarm among witnesses. The incident took place on November 21, 2024, during a visit with students as part of a national touring exhibit.
Martins was subsequently charged with misdemeanor battery and arrested on Monday. His lawyer, Marcelle Burke, vehemently denied the allegations, calling them “egregious and unfounded.” Burke stated that Martins did not engage in the reported behavior and that the accusations were a targeted attack on the priest and the Church.
Despite withdrawing from ministry following the accusations, Martins maintains his innocence and has pleaded not guilty to the charges. The Companions of the Cross, the missionary church to which Martins belongs, expressed concern over the situation and extended prayers to all those affected.
The Archdiocese of Detroit has listed Martins’ ministry as revoked, pending the legal proceedings. He is scheduled to appear in Will County Circuit Court on February 24 for further proceedings. The case has sparked controversy and raised questions about the priest’s conduct, but Martins and his legal team remain steadfast in their defense against the allegations.