Keys are an essential part of everyday life, used to secure our homes and belongings. However, what many people may not realize is that misusing keys can actually damage not only the keys themselves but also the locks they are meant to secure. One such misuse that is becoming increasingly common is using keys to shovel cocaine up one’s nose.
According to Craig Andres, a master locksmith from the Perspicacity Life, using keys for recreational purposes, such as handling powders or other substances, can have serious consequences for both your health and home security. Andres has seen a rise in service calls for locks damaged by cocaine residue, which can corrode the keys and ultimately destroy sensitive locking mechanisms.
Keys are not designed to be multi-tools, yet they are often used in ways they were not intended for. Scooping up cocaine with a key on a daily basis can weaken its shape over time, leading to stiffness, jamming, or breakage. Even small bends or chips can affect how a key sits in the lock, potentially causing issues with locking and unlocking doors.
In addition to cocaine residue, other substances and activities can also damage keys and locks. Using a key to pry open packages or slice through packing tape can also impact the shape and functionality of the key. Drug residue can build up inside the lock cylinder, causing blockages or seizing over time, which can result in being locked out of your home or unable to secure it properly.
To prevent damage to your keys and locks, it is essential to care for them properly. Keys should be regularly wiped down with a soft cloth to avoid the build-up of grime and residue. By taking proper care of your keys and avoiding using them for purposes they were not intended for, you can ensure that they will last for years to come.
In conclusion, keys are meant to secure our homes and belongings, not to be used for recreational or multi-tool purposes. By being mindful of how we use our keys and taking care of them properly, we can avoid damaging our keys and locks, protecting our home security in the process.