Tag: Kills

Daredevil Born Again Kills White Tiger, Teases Punisher Return

SPOILER ALERT: This article contains spoilers for Episode 3 of “Daredevil: Born Again,” now streaming on Disney+. In

New Jersey man shoots, wounds neighbor couple, then kills self in shocking attack

A tragic incident unfolded in Berkeley Township, New Jersey, on Monday afternoon when a man identified as John

Daughter kills dad when shouting match turns into vicious NYC street brawl: cops

The tragic incident occurred on Tuesday night in Brooklyn, where a woman allegedly stabbed her 41-year-old father to

Mortgage lender executive allegedly kills 88-year-old with Range Rover while drunk: police

Serene Francie Rosenberg, the president of a California mortgage lender, is facing serious charges after a tragic accident

Teen Kills Classmate, Teacher In Knife Attack At Slovakia School

Bratislava: A tragic incident unfolded at a secondary school in northeastern Slovakia on Thursday as a teen carried

Jealous ex-husband shoots wife, kills her new girlfriend after love-triangle ends 24-year romance

A tragic incident unfolded in Las Vegas last week when a man named Adrian Rodriguez-Guillen allegedly shot his

Fireworks Explosion In Honolulu Area Kills 3 People, Injures At Least 20

Tragedy struck a Honolulu-area neighborhood on New Year's Eve as a fireworks explosion claimed the lives of at

Beth Kills Jamie as Rainwater Buys the Ranch

The latest episode of "Yellowstone," titled "Life Is a Promise," aired on Sunday, Dec. 15, and left fans

Armed food vendor kills would-be robber in a shootout, police say

A food vendor in Chicago's West Side was forced to take drastic measures to defend himself against a

Gunman kills 2 at Navy Pier, known suspect remains on the loose

Gunman Kills Two Men at Navy Pier, Suspect on the Run A tragic incident unfolded at Navy Pier

Rocket Fire From Lebanon Kills 4 Thai Nationals In Israel

Bangkok: Reports have confirmed that four Thai nationals lost their lives in northern Israel due to rocket attacks

Alabama Mass Shooting Kills 4, Wounds 17 In Birmingham Nightlife Area

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) — A tragic incident unfolded in Birmingham, Alabama, on Saturday night, resulting in the loss