Tag: Students

What Happened When A District Put Struggling Students in Regular Algebra?

The question of when students should take Algebra 1 has long been a contentious one in the education

How Well Do Dual-Credit Students Do in College? A Look in Charts

Overall, the data shows that dual-credit programs can be beneficial for high school students in terms of college

No, the Arrival of English Learners Doesn’t Hurt Other Students, a Study Finds

The population of English learners is on the rise across the United States, even in states and communities

Growth Mindset Activities to Build Confidence in Students – The TPT Blog

Developing a growth mindset in students is crucial for their success in the classroom. Carol Dweck's concept of

75 Inexpensive Gift Ideas for Students

From scratch-and-sniff bookmarks to rainbow fluffy pens, there are plenty of inexpensive gift ideas for students that will

Free Cornell Notes Template for Students (Printable and Digital)

Note-taking is a crucial skill that students need to master in order to succeed in their academic endeavors

Help! My Principal Said It’s Not My Job To Police Students’ Morals

Them Dear I.U.V.T., This is a tough situation to be in, but it’s not uncommon in schools. It’s

Hasidic Jewish students charged in NYC synagogue tunnel digging scoff at plea offer: ‘Rather go to prison’

The Hasidic Jewish students who dug a secret tunnel under a Brooklyn synagogue are facing a tough decision

Texas elementary educators are accused of giving sleeping supplements to students

Two elementary school teachers in Texas have been removed from their classroom after allegedly giving their students stickers

Halloween Math Activities for Students of All Ages – The TPT Blog

Halloween is fast approaching, and it's the perfect time to infuse a little spooky fun into your math

Masked attacker holds U. Michigan rabbi, students at gunpoint after Rosh Hashanah meal

A terrifying incident occurred at the home of a University of Michigan Rabbi during a holiday dinner marking

This Teacher Acts Out the Questions His Students Would STILL Be Asking at His Funeral

Teachers are no strangers to the never-ending stream of questions from students. From asking for snacks to needing