Tag: Study

Global study indicates why ‘next 1,000 days’ are crucial for millions of children around the world and their development

A groundbreaking new series published in The Lancet has brought attention to the critical importance of the 'next

Global antibiotic consumption has increased substantially since 2016, study finds

By 2030, global antibiotic consumption is projected to increase by 28.7% from 2016 levels, reaching 37.9 billion DDDs.

Cocoa or green tea could protect you from the negative effects of fatty foods during mental stress, study finds

New research has shown that a cocoa drink rich in flavanols can help protect the body's vasculature against

Air Pollution Could Increase The Risk Of Eczema In Adults: Study

How Air Pollution Can Impact Your Skin: The Link Between Eczema and Fine Particulate Matter Industrialization has brought

Ancient Humans Were Apex Predators For 2 Million Years, Study Discovers : ScienceAlert

Paleolithic Diet: A Meaty History Revealed Recent research on the eating habits of our Pleistocene ancestors has shed

Study finds 81% of cancer cures touted by TikTok videos are fake

Cancer misinformation on social media platforms like TikTok is a growing concern, with a recent study revealing that

Americans over 40 could live extra 5 years if they were all as active as top 25% of population, modeling study suggests

The researchers found that if all Americans over the age of 40 were as physically active as the

Children With High IQs Get ADHD Diagnosed Later, Study Reveals : ScienceAlert

ADHD Diagnosis Age Linked to IQ and Other Factors A recent study conducted by researchers from the University

New study links air pollution with higher rates of head and neck cancer

A recent study published in the journal Scientific Reports has found a correlation between higher levels of pollutant

Study reveals medical boards rarely discipline physician misinformation

Medical boards are facing challenges in disciplining physicians who spread misinformation, according to a recent study published in

Study finds online e-cigarette retailers fail to comply with sale restrictions for minors

The sale of vaping products to minors is a growing concern, with online e-cigarette retailers failing to consistently

An Early Sign of Dementia Risk May Be Keeping You Up at Night, Says Study : ScienceAlert

Sleep is a crucial part of our lives, with a significant portion of it dedicated to dreaming. Research