Pavel Durov, the CEO and co-founder of the popular messaging app Telegram, was reportedly arrested at an airport in Paris after arriving on his private jet. The Russian billionaire was taken into custody by French authorities following a search warrant issued as part of a preliminary investigation into Durov and his encrypted messaging platform.
Authorities suspect that Telegram’s lack of moderation and features such as cryptocurrencies may be facilitating illegal activities such as drug trafficking, pedophilia, and fraud on a global scale. The search warrant was only valid if Durov set foot on French soil, which led to his arrest upon arrival.
Durov, 39, is a well-known tech entrepreneur who previously founded the social networking site VK and later launched Telegram in 2013. He currently resides in Dubai, where Telegram is based, and holds citizenship in France and the United Arab Emirates. Durov left Russia in 2014 after refusing to comply with government requests to hand over user data and censor content.
During an interview with Tucker Carlson, Durov explained that his decision to leave Russia was driven by his desire for freedom and independence. He emphasized that his mission in life was to promote freedom for himself and others, rather than pursuing wealth or power. Telegram has faced criticism for prioritizing user privacy, which has allowed some individuals involved in criminal activities to communicate discreetly.
Despite accusations of being complicit in illegal activities, Durov has maintained that Telegram is a neutral platform and not involved in geopolitics. He believes that maintaining a neutral stance is essential to protecting users’ privacy and freedom of speech. The messaging app has also played a significant role in providing information during the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
Durov is expected to appear before a judge to face charges related to terrorism, narcotics, complicity, fraud, money laundering, receiving stolen goods, and child pornography. Investigators allege that Telegram allowed numerous offenses to take place without intervention or cooperation from Durov. It is likely that he will be placed in pretrial detention as the investigation progresses.
Overall, Pavel Durov’s arrest in Paris has raised concerns about the role of social media platforms in enabling illegal activities and the balance between privacy and security. Telegram’s future remains uncertain as the investigation into its operations continues.