The bizarre incident that took place at Teterboro Airport in New Jersey involved a Vermont man named Steven Shaw, who was high on mushrooms and armed with a gun. Shaw’s strange behavior on Tuesday led to chaos on a private jet, where he attempted to kiss a flight attendant, spit on the pilot, and even went half-naked before being arrested by Port Authority cops.
The 37-year-old Shaw, accompanied by his two small dogs, wandered onto the tarmac at the airport and climbed aboard a private jet with its door open. Once inside, he made inappropriate advances towards the flight attendant, hugged her, and tried to kiss her. Shaw then proceeded to the cockpit where he spit on the pilot and assaulted him, leading the pilot to fear for a potential hijacking.
Upon realizing that Shaw was armed, the pilot alerted the authorities, who arrived to find the man locked in a bathroom stall inside the Atlantic Aviation building. Shaw defiantly threatened the officers, claiming he would harm them if they tried to intervene. Eventually, after coaxing from the cops, Shaw emerged from the bathroom, half-naked and holding one of his dogs.
The Vermont man admitted to the police that he was high on mushrooms, which explained his irrational behavior. A 9-mm handgun was later recovered from the private jet, leading to Shaw being charged with criminal possession of a weapon, assault, burglary, and criminal trespassing. The seriousness of the breach in security was emphasized by law enforcement officials, as the pilot feared Shaw’s intentions to hijack the plane.
The entire incident was a chaotic and alarming display of erratic behavior, fueled by drugs and a dangerous combination of armed aggression. Shaw’s actions not only put himself in jeopardy but also endangered the lives of those onboard the private jet. The consequences of his reckless behavior serve as a reminder of the potential dangers that can arise from drug-induced behavior and the importance of maintaining security protocols in such high-risk environments.